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All rates include: One large meeting room (Skinner Chapel, Adult Conference Center, Dining Hall, Daniel Hall, or Missions Room) three meals, and one night's lodging (twenty-four hour period). Additional charges after the twenty-four hour period has expired consists of $6.00 per person per meal and $5.00 day use charge.
ASSOCIATIONAL CHURCHES (Troup, Carroll, Western)
Number in Group 5-25 26-up
Per Person:
Single Occupancy 75.00 60.00
Double Occupancy 60.00 50.00
Three Occupancy 55.00 45.00
Four Occupancy 50.00 40.00
Dormitories 45.00 35.00
Number in Group 5-25 26-up
Per Person:
Single Occupancy 85.00 65.00
Double Occupancy 65.00 55.00
Three Occupancy 60.00 50.00
Four Occupancy 55.00 45.00
Dormitories 50.00 40.00
Day Use Only: $5.00 per person plus meal cost of $6.00 per person----Swimming Pool: $75.00
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